Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Fish hooks set by AotengStar (Product Review)

#AotengStar has a handy pack of 500 fish hooks made of carbon steel. They come in a small one piece plastic box with dividers; the front has latch and the rear has a hinge. I like the front but with repeated use the rear will no doubt eventually wear out and break, so be watchful of that. It's nothing a piece if duct tape can't handle. I like that the case is small enough that it won't occupy much room in a tackle box. It can also just be stashed in the pocket of a typical pair of cargo pants.

The hooks themselves are most important. They range from very tiny, up to a more common size. The nickel in the pics should show the actual size pretty well.

I went fishing with my husband three days ago and though the lake hasn't been stocked in months (this is Arizona after all), we managed to bring in one little bass around a half pound. I initially started with one of the wee hooks but it was simply too small to hold the weight of a piece of chicken liver being used for bait. Once swapped out to a larger one, there was no trouble at all.

One can never have too many hooks!


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