Tuesday, August 28, 2018

12-pack Carabiner by Roraima (Product Review)

This is a pack of 12 carabiners from #Roraima. These are lightweight aluminum so please do not attempt to climb with these. They are not weight-bearing!

It comes in a 12-pack with multiple different colors as you can see. There's black, silver, green, purple, orange, and dark blue. They are around 3 inches long by 1 1/2 inches at the widest point. Each comes with a key ring on it.

With it being a multipack I expected for one or two of them to not work but I did check each one. Every one of them is fine. I typically use these for my keys; using a cane I only have one hand free so I need to keep it available. When I get out of the car I take the carabiner with my keys on it and hook it right onto my purse. It's very easy to do one-handed.

These are also great for when we go camping such as for hooking a bottle of water onto a pack or four securing a dishcloth or drying cloth at our washing station so they won't blow away in the heavy winds we often experience here.

Having multiple of them, there's plenty to share amongst the people in my household, and a friend if you spot they could use one.


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