This Survival Hax Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad is really handy if you do a lot of outdoor activities, like we do. Living in the desert, we do not exactly have grass-covered soil making for a gentle sleep. Instead, we have rock-hard calichi that does actually feel like sleeping on rocks. Even though we love our sleeping bags, we will take any additional assistance we can get to make our outdoor sleep more comfortable.
The pad comes in a storage bag that closes with a drawstring. It also has an elastic strap to put around the bag to keep it deflated. You inflate the pad by turning the small knob counter-clockwise (follow the "righty tight-y, lefty loose-y" rule). Admittedly, at first I did not think it was inflating. I followed the directions though and inflated-deflated it several times since it was brand new. Then I opened the knob and rolled up the pad, and was surprised by how much air came out. This showed me it had indeed inflated.
I went ahead and inflated it at this point. I used it off and on for a couple weeks. It is a nice small size while in the bag, small enough to put in or under a pack. It weighs roughly two pounds. I saw someone complain about the #sleepingpad being narrow, but to me that isn't an issue. After all, it's going under a sleeping bag, which you can't exactly roll around and spread out in like you can in bed. The pad has a good length at 70.8” x 19.6”. The exterior is a type of coated PVC.
If you are looking to make your overnight outings or #camping a bit more comfortable, check out this pad. The company says if you are searching for a thicker type of pad for under your sleeping bag, you should try to find an "insulated" sleeping pad. You can check out the details of the pad I have at their website:
I have other #survivalhax items and I have found them to have excellent customer service who responds to messages quickly. They stand by their products and want their customers to be happy.
Survival Hax has authorized me to share a 40% off discount code with my awesome readers who would like one of these pads of their own! May your 2018 outdoors adventures be fantastic--and comfier than ever! Use the code OFF50PAD to receive your 40% off the pad at Amazon:

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