I know this may seem an odd thing to review on a survival website, especially Anti Cellulite Treatment Massage Oil (made by New York Biology). First of all though, it's the little luxuries that may help us feel alive and keep us going when things get tough. If one of those things can serve two purposes, all the better. I admit I was not quite as intrigued by the cellulite aspect of the oil as other things. I have been reading about oils and their multitude of uses, but I am brand new to actually using them. I will let you know how this goes.
After the initial pump, I was afraid the oil was a bit greasy. I immediately took a photo of it on the back of my hand as an example. I was pleasantly surprised to find the massage completely and thoroughly worked its way into my skin. It not only left my skin feeling soft and smooth, but there were no signs whatsoever of any oil left behind (I included an "after" shot of my hand as well). An added bonus is that it takes very little to get the job done. The light citrus scent manages to be pleasant and avoid being overwhelming, which is a tough balance to find. It uses a combination of lemon oil (stimulates the circulatory system), grape seed oil (as an astringent), grapefruit oil (diuretic), and eucalyptus oil (anti-inflammatory targeting cellulite just under the skin).
Citrus oils are said to help keep away insects, and as an avid camper, this is what I am really hoping might be true. Now that I know it is indeed doing great with my skin, my family is going to experiment with how it is in terms of the annoying little flying and biting bugs and the creepy crawlies outside. The monsoon is wrapping up and the moisture has them out in full force. We don't like using chemicals, as we have three dogs including a 75 pound puppy who likes to chew on things outside. If all goes well, then I will know this could be a great item to keep on hand when we go camping, etc. Who needs to worry about being eaten alive by mosquitoes and other bugs while outside? It's the last thing I want to worry about. I don't want to be distracted by welts and hives. If you're like me, I seem to attract every biting insect for miles.
For the rest of details: I received my 8 ounce bottle very quickly (within 48 hours). It was carefully wrapped and came with a label clearly marking the date of expiration. The bottle is sealed so there is no risk of spillage during shipping. It also comes with a pump which can be attached once the seal and cap are removed.
The company's facility is approved by the FDA and they are cruelty-free. As an animal lover, I am glad to know this. I honestly cannot say if the oil is effective on cellulite or not, as I do not believe there is any product out there that can make a difference in one week, which is the amount of time I have been using this. It would not be fair of me to make a determination one way or another in this regard. I do believe though if you are looking for something that makes your skin feel great and smells terrific, you can't go wrong here.
Per federal law, please know I received this item free in exchange for my honest opinion. I do not receive any financial compensation for my review. My opinion is entirely my own. I rely on reviews when I make my own purchases, and I aim to help other customers by providing thoroughly written reviews.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
SKIVU Extreme Pak Digital Camo Water Resistant Backpack: Review
I received my SKIVU Extreme Pak Digital Camo Water-Resistant Backpack three days after placing my order. It was unidentifiable on the outside, so anyone with prying eyes could not tell what was on the inside of the box. There has been an issue lately in our neighborhood with snooping so I appreciate those little steps that are taken to protect belongings.
This is a decent, small-to-medium size backpack with Molle strapping around the sides, the front, and on the bottom itself. The Molle strapping appears to be Mil-Spec. The zippers have extended pulls, which are great for use with gloved hands. The carry handle at the top has reinforced stitching and is comfortable. The edges are wrapped in over themselves for increased comfort. There is cummerbund strap that is adjustable. The zippers do have a cover to aid in water resistance. The pack does have strapped buckles that are to aid in heavier loads. The tag says "Made in China" though there is a US flag on the same tag, as it has "original stitching" and the design was "American-inspired."
The pockets are sewn on with single stitch. The zippers are sewn on with two rows of single stitch, not a true double stitch. The Molle straps are actually double stitched. The material is not Mil-Spec cordura, but feels more like a plastic. The Molle straps for the most part are Mil-Spec, except for the middle column, which does not allow a Mil-Spec D-ring through because this row is too small. The Molle straps on the sides are interesting: on one side, one column is mil-spec, but the other columns are not. On the other side, none of the columns of Molle straps are Mil-Spec at all. The Molle straps on the bottom are the same as the front (they are Mil-Spec except for the middle column). I used one of my D-rings to attach a water filter straw, so having Molle straps is a great, especially having so many of them.
The cordage used for the zipper pulls is a bit thin and I am afraid will wear out easily over time. The covers over the zipper may make it water resistant, but I find myself zipping the cover into the zipper every time I open and close the pack. That may get easier with use. The padded insert in the back is removable and replaceable with something more comfortable if desired. You could even put a hydration bladder inside if you wanted. This is a nice feature. At the top near the handle, there are two outlets for either a hydration tube (or headphones).
The cummerbund strap keeps sliding up and down, but it can be adjusted and moved to a higher spot so it is more of a chest strap as opposed to a belly strap. This will make it more functional. There are two D-rings on the shoulder straps. They are placed in an excellent position but made out of a thin material, too thin for a very practical use. The shoulder straps themselves are a bit uncomfortable.
A great addition to this pack would be a handle on the side, which would make it easier to carry in a suitcase fashion, and some Velcro on the front would be awesome for a couple of patches. This would make a great vehicle medical kit, or an additional kit of some sort (pet gear, children's emergency supplies, etc). I would not suggest it for a Bug Out Bag, or for serious use out in the field. I would have no problem using it for a vehicle emergency kit though. I would not trust it to hold more than fifteen to twenty pounds at most, as the bottom is a bit thin for my comfort level.
I received this item at a free or discounted price for my honest opinion. I do not receive any financial compensation for my review. My opinion is entirely my own. As an Amazon customer, I rely on reviews when I make my own purchases; I aim to help other customers by providing thoroughly written reviews.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Active Shooters & Terrorists
Unfortunately in this day and age, the topic of active shooters and terrorists are something we must acknowledge and be prepared to deal with. Do you know what you would do if faced with this threat in your immediate presence? You can't just think about it. Talk about it with your family. Practice in your home, in your back yard, etc (not with loaded weapons, please), and do it frequently. Just like with firearms training, your response must be second nature.
The article I am attaching is pretty well-written. Ignore the grammar issues, keeping in mind it is written by an ex-British soldier who also has more than 20 years in the field of international security so writing is not his expertise.
Read it carefully. Leave comments, questions, concerns, and we will be glad to discuss them.
The article I am attaching is pretty well-written. Ignore the grammar issues, keeping in mind it is written by an ex-British soldier who also has more than 20 years in the field of international security so writing is not his expertise.
Read it carefully. Leave comments, questions, concerns, and we will be glad to discuss them.
Bully Sticks & Beef Tendons by WyldLife Pets: Review
I received the Bully Sticks & Beef Tendons quickly. What I first noticed is that they come in a bag that is resealable. This is tremendously appreciated, as this is a great time saver, not having to repackage anything. Who wants to spend extra time doing that, especially when already taking care of two little dogs on top of training a service dog basically around the clock?
Another thing I think these would be great for is when we go camping, hiking, or other outdoor activities. Let's face it. There are times when we need to occupy the attention of our dogs for a little while, and it needs to be done in a safe, productive manner. These are ideal. I know the dogs love them, they are all natural, and I can trust them. What better product to give my pups while out enjoying nature than something 100% natural?
The sticks and tendons are separated into two wrapped sections of their own that can be opened when ready. The tendons are a bit greasy, but this doesn't bother me. It just says to me that it's a real animal part. After all, there are no chemicals, no artificial ingredients in these. I doubt dog lovers will be bothered by a slightly greasy feel, if they are concerned about providing quality snacks and treats for their four-legged friends. It's just a thought anyway, but maybe I have been swayed by years of doggie drool.
I admit it: I did not test the tendons myself. I had my German Shepherd, Cyrus, try them. I can only attest to the container, the feel of the snacks, and such as this. I can tell though how Cy reacted. He gladly went into a "Sit" command, gently took the tendon, pranced around our yard like he was King of the Jungle. Then he came back over to me--twice no less--as if to see if I would hand over another one despite him still having the first one hanging out of his mouth. He realized he would have to settle for just eating one, and went and did a "Settle" on his favorite patch of grass and had a ball with his tendon. Cy was a happy camper for a very long time, just chomping and licking away. I like that the WyldLife snacks are natural and from the United States as well.
I received this item at a heavily discounted price for my honest opinion. I have no affiliation with the manufacturer of the product or the seller of the item, and I do not receive any financial compensation for my review. My opinion is entirely my own. As a long-time shopper, I rely on the reviews of others when I make my own purchases; I aim to help other people by providing thoroughly written reviews.
Click the link below if you would like to read more about the WyldLife Bully Sticks & Beef Tendons:
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Emergency Supplies to Keep at Home
Preparedness Kit
This list is a compilation of items to keep at home in case of a serious event, such as a natural disaster or a crisis in society. Should evacuation be required, already having these items prepared will be of great help. Please consider the personal needs of your household’s members, such as any medical, dental, or emotional needs, and add them to the list to make it your own. (Another post is soon to come for a detailed medical kit.)
This list is a compilation of items to keep at home in case of a serious event, such as a natural disaster or a crisis in society. Should evacuation be required, already having these items prepared will be of great help. Please consider the personal needs of your household’s members, such as any medical, dental, or emotional needs, and add them to the list to make it your own. (Another post is soon to come for a detailed medical kit.)
Water: One gallon per person, per day. Keep at least a 2-week supply at home. If evacuating, take along a 3-day supply.
Food: Non-perishable. Same as above.
Radio (hand-crank doesn’t require batteries)
Food: Non-perishable. Same as above.
Radio (hand-crank doesn’t require batteries)
Two-way radios for communication, as the Internet may be down
Batteries, if needed
Solar devices to charge any of your items, if needed
Multi-purpose tool
Gas valve shut-off tool
Hygiene items
Copies of important documents, in waterproof file (identification, passports, wills, medical information, deed/mortgage paperwork, birth certificates, marriage certificate, insurance policies, bank info)
Cell phone with charger
Contact info
Extra keys
Manual can opener
Whistle (one for each person)
Matches in waterproof container
Copies of important documents, in waterproof file (identification, passports, wills, medical information, deed/mortgage paperwork, birth certificates, marriage certificate, insurance policies, bank info)
Cell phone with charger
Contact info
Extra keys
Manual can opener
Whistle (one for each person)
Matches in waterproof container
550 Paracord
Work gloves
Items to secure home (boards & nails for windows, duct tape to prevent flying glass, etc.)
Work gloves
Items to secure home (boards & nails for windows, duct tape to prevent flying glass, etc.)
Clothing/Shoes (appropriate for situation)
Socks (Take note of socks. In a crisis, power may be out for extended periods, making for long, hard work days with no end in sight. Feet take the brunt of it all. Good socks are a necessity.)
Socks (Take note of socks. In a crisis, power may be out for extended periods, making for long, hard work days with no end in sight. Feet take the brunt of it all. Good socks are a necessity.)
Plastic sheeting
Duct tape
Duct tape
Sharpie-type marker(s)
Entertainment items (Everyone needs a sanity saver, especially in difficult times. Playing cards, notebooks, drawing pads, crayons...)
Sleeping gear
Entertainment items (Everyone needs a sanity saver, especially in difficult times. Playing cards, notebooks, drawing pads, crayons...)
Sleeping gear
Basic cooking items (A cast iron dutch oven with a lid is great for about everything, along with a basic cast iron pan, utensils, and hot pads.)
5-gallon bucket: multi-purpose. Flush a toilet (pour bucket of water into toilet); wash clothes or dishes. There are even lids specially designed to turn a 5-gal bucket into a potty.
Household chlorine bleach (For emergencies only, you can treat unsafe or suspect water with 16 drops of liquid bleach per gallon of water. NO SCENTED OR COLOR SAFE BLEACH. Only straight household liquid chlorine bleach!)
Pet supplies (including leash, photos w/pet, and copies of shot records)
First aid kit
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Survive and Thrive!
Ok, first things first. We didn't name this a "prepping" blog because that word has taken on a negative connotation of late, thanks to the crazy shows on television. We are a family of four that simply believes it is more intelligent to be prepared and have supplies on hand should the need arise, than to have something happen and be SOL (shit out of luck). At that point, you're completely screwed because it's too late once the SHTF (shit hits the fan) and you're wishing you had done something about it sooner, right?
That's why we're here. We are going to post regularly, featuring an array of products that can help you prepare to survive just about any situation imaginable. You don't have to only just barely survive an awful emergency, but you can thrive through it.
For now, let us introduce ourselves. I'm a former middle school teacher and also worked in the medical field. I stopped working outside the home due to chronic illness. I now review products for online sellers. My spouse is a former peace officer, a certified gun armorer. We have two children who just started high school. We are all avid campers, and enjoy activities such as target shooting (firearms and compound bow), fishing, camp cooking, and stargazing here in the desert with our three dogs (two wee terrier mixes and a massive German Shepherd who thinks he's tiny too).
We'd love to hear from you! Please leave comments with any questions or comments with ideas for topics you would like us to cover. We have a huge list going, so there's going to be lots coming your way and we'd love to add to it!
Until next time, stay safe!
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